
Fully Automated Process, Supporting Student to
Study Effortlessly.

EdHub is Now Free! We are committed to helping all students manage their time better through the simple and effective integration of “Forgetting Curve” learning.

Helping everyone achieve their long term goals
Fully Automated Proccess
Save hours of inefficient studying

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Stop wasting time

With the scientifically based, free to use solution
that will make studying an scheduled
and convenient process, while optimizing effectiveness.

Fully customizable schedule for your work style

Choose your priorities and keep yourself up to pace with tasks. Work efficiently and effectively according to your workstyle, focus and tempo.

Let us help you

We’ll take the responsibility of constantly scheduling a timetable for you through our specialized algorithm, incorporating your flow and preferences.

Connect with your

EdHub features a peer-to-peer file sharing feature that allows teachers and tutors alike to provide content to students. You’ll also be connected to each other through EdHub’s messaging system that also includes an anonymous queries form to ensure students are comfortable asking questions.

The science behind EdHub

EdHub’s algorithm is based around Hermann Ebbinghaus’ forgetting curve theory on the decline of memory over time, many studies have shown promising results on the forgetting curve’s applications towards improving memory. EdHub takes inspiration from these works. We aim to provision consistent repitition in our users’ study schedule in order to reinforce memory retention for maximum effectiveness. EdHub tailors specific patterns of revision for each user depending on their own academic and cognitive attributes.